Making the Combing and Coating the Kayak! Part 3
Now that the Greenland Kayak frame was constructed, and covered in fabric, it is time make the combing and attach it to the fabric, and coat the entire thing in a 2-part Polyurethane waterproof coating.
If you didn't see the frame construction, read about it HERE. To read about the skinning process, click HERE.
The first day, Tristan coated the entire underside of the kayak in the 2-part Polyurehthane coating, with 3 coats. The next day, when the coating was dry, he flipped over the kayak and began to coat the top.
It is a fairly time-consuming process, and he had to be careful to spread it on even to avoid drips, bubbles and bumps.
Tristan mixing up the 2-part coating and beginning to apply it.
The combing was made from hardwood and a rope lashed on the top as the flange for a spray skirt.
It is very sticky when wet, but dries as a slightly flexible (not rock hard like epoxy) finish.
The Kayak looked great, the coating was applied, and Tristan was excited it was almost complete. BUT...the temperature outside dipped cold overnight the day that Tristan coated the top of the kayak, and it wasn't good news when we checked on the kayak in the morning! Read about it HERE!